ASP Hosting

Our editors have reviewed and listed the best ASP hosting alternatives on the market. The below providers are ranked according to things such as price, security, stability and features.

Rank Web Host Price Rating Special More
1 Arvixe $5.00 92% Editor's Rate
  • Free Domain For Life
  • 24 Hours Support
  • No Hidden Fees
  • Automatic Setup
2 WinHost $4.95 90% Editor's Rate
  • 2 Months Free!
  • Windows Hosting
  • No Setup Fees!
3 LunarPages $9.95 90% Editor's Rate
  • Free Domain
  • Free Setup
  • Dreamweaver compatible
  • osCommerce Shopping Cart
  • Smartermail Enterprise Edition

More About ASP Web Hosting

A variety of web hosting options are available to website owners, but many do not understand the different web programming options. A website does not have to be just a simple page. It is easy to add a programming language like ASP to your website by using ASP web hosting.

ASP is Active Server Pages. It is a server-side programming application used by Microsoft inside their Internet Information Services (IIS). It is built with Jscript, Perl, Python, or VBScript programming languages and is designed to allow data and functions to be passed to the web server directly from your website making it interactive for web users. Website forms, guestbooks, and secure pages typically use ASP.

ASP web hosting is required to run the ASP programming scripts and applications. A website owner can easily add ASP scripts to their website for use with ASP hosting. Modern websites that use content management systems for blogs or forums will appreciate the benefits of ASP hosting. A database can be accessed by using ASP programming and data can be updated, sorted, retrieved, and formatted for direct output on your website.

The exported data can be written and displayed on the website based on user input making it an interactive experience. Banners advertisements can be rotated automatically making it easy to market a product or service. Entire pages, files, and photos can be included inside small ASP files for fast loading times.

The use of ASP hosting is popular among website builders and e-commerce providers due to the built in security features. The raw ASP code cannot be viewed in the website browser. Therefore, sensitive data will be secure and only the parsed data is displayed in the HTML file. ASP web hosting is safe and secure for a variety of website applications and uses. is a hosting directory, not a web host.

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