Host Gator Adds Rudy on Rails Published: Feb 05, 2007
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Host Gator, a provider of web hosting solutions, announced the introduction of standard Ruby on Rails installation support for all its customers.

Host Gator (, a provider of web hosting solutions, announced the introduction of standard Ruby on Rails installation support for all its customers.

"At Host Gator, we cater to the developer that is passionate about technology and needs all the tools at his disposal required to build dynamic web applications," stated Brent Oxley, President of Host Gator. "Ruby on Rails is a quickly becoming one of the important web development standards and we would be remiss if we didn't provide this support to developers who demand it."

Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It provides an efficient environment for web development, enabling developers to use some of the latest  techniques for developing web applications.

Host Gator also announced support for some of the most popular Ruby Gems. A Ruby Gem is a plugin that adds functionality to the Ruby programming language. The pre-installed gems supported include actionmailer, actionpack, actionwebservice, activerecord, activesupport, gnuplot, mongrel, mysql, tidy, xml-simple, payment, BlueCloth, feedtools and htmltools.


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Comments (3)

  • Gravatar - tagotag
    tagotag 08:07, December 11, 2007
    For a reseller:<br />
    * You need ssh acccess for setup rails environment.<br />
    * If you have an ssh access on any of your domains, you have to pay 10$ for ssh access on other domains.<br />
    * There is no fcgi or mongrel support, just cgi and very slow.<br />
    * Support services are incredibly slow.
  • Gravatar - roger pack
    roger pack 19:33, January 11, 2008
    Bad host for rails--turns out they don't support fcgi, which means that each time you request a page, it has to restart it's server, from the ground up. This is very very bad for load times for rails pages! Avoid!
  • Gravatar - Giorgio Malagutti
    Giorgio Malagutti 13:52, February 15, 2010
    Support service within 2 hours, they activated fcgi on my applications. Maybe they listened to your complains.

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